Getting bitten by a dog is a traumatic experience. You indeed have a right to get compensation for your injuries. However, to do so, it is best to get help from a Nevada injury attorney. Ace Law Group is a reliable firm that can efficiently handle dog bite claims. They have a team of qualified and experienced lawyers and have a reputation for taking all the necessary steps to win a case.
An attorney will prove helpful, especially as Nevada has no explicit laws concerning dog bite claims. However, there are a few things that you can do to make your case stronger. They are:
1. Get the contact info of the dog owner
If the owner is not at the site, try collecting their contact info. Remember, they will try to avoid lawsuits. Thus, they won’t provide much information, but regardless of their level of corporation, take their name, address, contact number, and any other info that can help you identify the owner.
2. Obtain the info of the dog’s vet
You have to find out whether the dog was vaccinated for rabies recently or not. It is a severe disease, and if the dog did have rabies, your course of medication might change.
3. Seek medical attention
Usually, dog bites are painful puncture wounds. If the attack is severe, it can tear the flesh and even crush the bones, requiring visiting an ER. Getting an official medical evaluation is best if you intend to file a dog bite claim.
4. Take Pictures
Nevada personal injury lawyers who handle dog bite lawsuits always recommend taking pictures after the attack. These photographs will work as evidence if the dog owner is not cooperating and accepting your compensation request. Some of the images you must click are:
- The dog
- Your injuries
- Place of attack
- Broken fences or open gates
5. Report the attack to the Police
A police report will make your case stronger. Besides, it is necessary to report the attack.
6. Maintain records of medical bills and financial losses
These records will help your attorney get the compensation you deserve. So, whatever damages and losses you experience, note them down and maintain their records.
Involving a personal injury lawyer is best
Dog owners have a strong attachment to their pets. This means they will not have you label their dog ‘dangerous’ or ‘vicious.’ Furthermore, dog bite cases are usually complex, especially when no substantial proof proves the dog owner’s negligence. Considering this, it is best if you talk to a Nevada attorney.